Sunday, September 20, 2009

okay so let's be honest... (part XVII)

Thomas Aquinas was a great theologian in the 1200’s.
He wrote volumes upon volumes of these great theological books.
And you might find out that He didn't even finish.
One day he just stopped writing.
And his friend said "Aren't you gonna finish? Why'd you stop writing?"
And he said, "It all just seems like straw".

This is a guy that is held in high regard because of his impact on Christianity.
Because of everything he's done, everything he's ever said.
We think he's great.
He said, "It all just seems like straw".
Because Thomas Aquinas came in contact with the love of God.
And everything that he ever did, didn't even stack up.
It didn't even come close.
It all just seemed like nothing.

Everything you do will never even stack up to what Jesus did.
No amount of money, trophies, ribbons, fame, or anything will ever stack up to what Jesus did.

So I ask, “what are you doing?”
What are you working for?
Anything you are doing outside of God's will, doesn't even matter in the end.
In the end it’s worthless.
It doesn’t even stack up.
It has no value in the realm of eternity.
It only matters that you have a real relationship with Him.
And that in everything you do, you let Him shine through.
God hates it when we are wishy washy.
Jesus tells us to pick sides.
He's tired of us fooling around on Him.
So I ask, what side are you on?
There are only two sides.
Are you doing what God wants you to?
Don't lie to yourself.

So I ask what do we do?
How do we change things?
How can we make a difference?
I think a lot of times we are so stuck on ourselves that we lose sight of what He wants.
Get rid of your insecurities.
Quit worrying about that other people think.
Cause it only matters what God thinks.
And right now, he can't stand that we are not passionate about Him.
God wants us to fall in love with Him.
The kind of love where we will give up anything just to be in the arms of the one we love.
Christ's arms are reaching out for us...
All we have to do in fall into them...


Anonymous said...

Man, I always love reading your thoughts. It's always a gut check for me to see where I'm at in my relationship with God. Thanks for that. Oh, you write like a prophet, although I'm sure you've heard that before. Just wanted to stop in and say hey.


thebaysingerboy said...

thanks for the kind words.