Wednesday, July 7, 2010

opposite of love.

I've heard that the opposite of love is hate, fear or indifference... but i like what Donald Miller (author of Blue Like Jazz and multiple
cool books) has to say about it...

The opposite of love is not hate, it's control. - Donald Miller

I think there are a few different "opposites" on love because that are a few different types of love. I think it's true that if your life is too controlled you don't always leave room for the Spirit of love. Living a life of love is reckless.

Live in love.


Anonymous said...

Anyone who thinks that the opposite of love is control has never had to lovingly buckle their squirming 2-year old into their car seat, against their will, before pulling the car out into the road.

thebaysingerboy said...

haha. that was not the the type of "love" or "control" i was talking about. good point though. i do think there are times as a parent where you must control your child (especially at a young age) and i do believe that that is a part of "love" in the realm of parenthood.

however that really wasn't the type of love i am addressing. i am talking more about living a life of love vs. a life of control.

I guess i view a life of control as a life where everything is set in stone and that the boat never gets rocked. leaving no room for God to really move.

as i said in the post i think that there are different types of love. for example the way you love your child is not the same way that you love your spouse. And the way you love your spouse is not the same way you may love running or fishing or pizza or whatever you may love.

does that make any sense? thoughts?