Tuesday, November 28, 2006

random banter and a small comment about Joel Sanders.

it's been a while since i've posted. thanksgiving was rad. i still haven't recovered.

i bought the "lady sovereign" record. it's british pop rap. who would have thought i would find that appealing? not me.

i went to stepp cemetery with some of my peeps. it was rad.

tomorrow is emo day! i'm excited about wearing all black!

christmas is around the corner and i'm freaking out. can we postpone it?

Mel Gibson is a tool.

the relient k single is out, you can listen to it for a limited time on my profile. it's nice.

what's up with people who can grow beards playing middle schoolers on t.v.? that's not right.

i haven't figured out how to pull it off yet, but i have a new idea. It's called "Jesusing". (i'm working on a patent) Instead of toilet papering or forking someone's yard, you get those Light Up Jesus(es? what's the plural for Jesus?) from nativity sets and place a bunch of them in someone's yard and light them up... now seriously, how legendary would that be? if someone pulls this off, i want pictures!

i've been using too many cell minutes... call my house first... unless you have verizon, then it's all good...

Joel Sanders likes to eat ice cream while watching the gilmore girls.

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1 comment:

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